

Registered vs. Anonymous Users

Users may register on the ArchAIDE Server and then be enabled to data collection services. Anonymous users may use: Knowledge-base (browse types, decorations and stamps), image recognition (without saving the results), shape recognition (without saving the results) and stamp search tools. The registered users may save potsherds and information about them on the server for future use. 

Authentication and user registration may be accessed from the “user” button on the top right-hand side of the dashboard (left image below).

If the user is already registered, he enters username and password and then taps the Login button. On a successful login, the user will be redirected to the Dashboard.

After the first login, the user remains logged in even after closing and re-opening the application. To force the need for a new login, the user should log out (last item in the main menu) before closing the application.

Users that are not yet registered, using the “Register” button will access the registration form. 

The registration of a new user requires only a few non-sensible data such as name, password, email, privacy. In order to activate the account, the system will send an email, to the submitted address, containing a validation link. Is important to check for the email even in the spam directory of your mail client because sometime it may happen that the automatic emails are classified as spam by servers. If you are waiting to receive the mail don't try to re-submit the registration form because your account is already registered. In case of problems contact ArchAIDE people through messenger or sending a mail.

38817 Visualitzacions
Mitjana (0 Vots)