


The ArchAIDE knowledge-base is a collection of search and retrieval tools that allows accessing the project reference database for types, decorations and stamps. Up to now, the knowledge-base contains decorations related to Italian Majolica of Montelupo. 
Inserting a simple keyword in the search browser allows searching in all the text fields that describe each decoration. Clicking on the “Advanced” button, a complete form appears allowing to filter the results by all the relevant features of the specific entity. Clicking on the results allows complete access to all the information stored about a single decoration: description, chronology, origins and occurs, references, images, related types, etc..

ArchAIDE Decorations

Orla 14

Aspes en manganès amb punts en cada angle, separades per dues barres verticals en verd. Existeix una variant en la que cada braç de l'aspa queda tallat per un petit traç negre. More »
  • Data Min: 1200 - Data Max: 1399
  • Colore: Verd i manganès
  • Periodo: segles XIII-XIV
  • Decoration Form:
    • invetriata
    • dipinta

Origin & occorrenze

Barcelona Point
Catalunya Region
Catalunya Region
Barcelona Point


Clicca qui per vedere le info.

Media type: Photograph

Origin source: MUHBA

Clicca qui per vedere le info.

Media type: Photograph

Origin source: MUHBA


Tipi definiti in Orla 14

Nessun tipo definito