


The ArchAIDE knowledge-base is a collection of search and retrieval tools that allows accessing the project reference database for types, decorations and stamps. Up to now, the knowledge-base contains stamps related to Terra Sigillata Italica. 
Inserting a simple keyword in the search browser allows searching in all the text fields that describe each stamp. Clicking on the “Advanced” button, a complete form appears allowing to filter the results by all the relevant features of the specific entity. Clicking on the results allows complete access to all the information stored about a single decoration: description, chronology, origins and occurs, references, images, related types, etc..

ArchAIDE Stamps


Date Min: 1 - Date Max: n/a
Internal stamps on plain ware produced in Pozzuoli. These stamps are dated on: Only forms with vertical rim (or later); should be contemporary with Naevius Hilarus. Almost certainly a slave of N. NAEVIVS HILARVS, though there is no direct evidence for this (cf. PRIMVS and TERTIVS NAEVI (n. 1242, 1245). There are possibly stamps of a Gaulish SECVNDVS lurking here (types 9, 11 and 12), but an analysis indicating Pisa is a further complication! More »
  • Workshop: SECVNDVS
  • Periodo: Approximate date: AD 1+

Origin & occorrenze

Pozzuoli Point
Lyon Point
Pisa Point
Segobriga Point
Mainz Point
Cordoba Point
Cherchel Point
Haltern Point
Koln Point
Lattara Point
Xanten Point
Skeleton Green Point
Pozzuoli Point