Decorations Decorazioni
The ArchAIDE knowledge-base is a collection of search and retrieval tools that allows accessing the project reference database for types, decorations and stamps. Up to now, the knowledge-base contains decorations related to Italian Majolica of Montelupo.
Inserting a simple keyword in the search browser allows searching in all the text fields that describe each decoration. Clicking on the “Advanced” button, a complete form appears allowing to filter the results by all the relevant features of the specific entity. Clicking on the results allows complete access to all the information stored about a single decoration: description, chronology, origins and occurs, references, images, related types, etc..
Genere 1. Maiolica arcaica Orla 5 variant 1 MA Berti Sequenza verticale 1 MA Berti Sequenza anse 1 MA Berti Sequenza 1 Genere 10. Decori in Azzurro Prevalente. Gruppo 10.2: maioliche in monocromia od in prevalente cromatismo bleu senza "spazio contornato" Genere 10. Decori in Azzurro Prevalente. Gruppo 10.1: maioliche a spazio contornato. MA Berti Sequenza 10 Genere 10. Decori in Azzurro Prevalente. Gruppo 10.3: maioliche policrome MA Giorgio Sequenza verticale 10 Genere 11. Lustro Metallico MA Berti Sequenza 11 Orla 11 Orla 12 Genere 12. Imitazione del lustro metallico.