ArchAIDE Desktop
The ArchAIDE Desktop Web site is the place where part the results of the ArchAIDE Project are made available to the internet community. In particular, here you may find: the knowledge-base (catalogues of pottery forms, decorations and stamps) used as reference in the pottery classification, the image recognition tool to classify decorations on pottery sherds, the shape recognition tool to identify the form to which a pottery sherd belongs to, the stamp search tool to identify stamps and, last but not least, the data visualisation tools to analyse origin-occurrence information collected by the project.
To support the archaeologists activities on the field, the project produced a mobile app available on AppStore and GooglePlay. Use the links to download the app on your device and try the recognition functionalities. On the app you may register and collect sherds and classification info. On the ArchAIDE Desktop you may Sign in (see menu in the top-bar) and browse all your findings.
For more information about the ArchAIDE Project follow the link.
![]() | The ArchAIDE Project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N.693548 |